Eight Is… Tacky!

Thanks to my newest blogging buddy, Rudy, I decided to try my hand at the whole “Pingback” business.

I was particularly interested in the topic of The Eighth Sin

Gargoyle, Grumpy, Statue, Lawn Ornament

The seven (as they pop into my head) are:

Envy, Pride, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth and Lust

I’m trying to think of another reeeeeally bad thing, and they seem to be just a sub-category of one of the above.  Apathy?  That would be Sloth.  Narcissism?  Yeah… that’s Pride.  Impatience?  I think that’s a form of Wrath…  See what I mean?

So I suppose the better approach is humor rather than deep philosophical thought.  Therefore, my submission for the Eighth Deadly Sin is… (drumroll, please)…


Cheese Curls, Junk Food, Cheese, CurlsYou see Tack, in its varying forms, permeates our culture:

  • Lawn ornaments
  • Fanny packs
  • Cat sweatshirts
  • Any food that’s orange or blue
  • Tube socks
  • Babies dressing like adults
  • Beer cozies
  • Underwear as outerwear
  • Any “As Seen On TV” product

I think Tack is horrible because it’s several other sins rolled into one.  It’s Gluttonous for its over-the-top bombardment of the senses.  It’s Sloth because the person responsible for it was just too lazy to give a darn about aesthetics.  And it’s Wrath because it incites a lot of agida in those who are Prideful to think they are above the Tack.

To relate this to making the #153Promise to your family, how about scanning your home for any of the EIGHT Deadly Sins and eliminate ate least one item from each category.

None of us is perfect; which one of the Eight do you think your family needs to work on the most?




4 thoughts on “Eight Is… Tacky!

  1. Thanks for the pingback Jennifer! If I pingback to your pingback will it cause a warp in the space-time continuum? Like Groundhog Day? I’ll have to watch the movie again to see what I have to do to break the cycle, but as I recall it has to do with being kind and considerate. Shouldn’t be a problem. And I’ll have to work on the tacky though. Might have to donate those green plaid golf shorts to Goodwill. That should help! 😉


    1. I still don’t understand the Pingback Effect… But I woke up to see I have more views by 7 am than I would have by the end of the day, so I think I may have to do more of it- if only I can replicate how I did it.

      I went onto the Daily Prompt’s Blog and they explained how. By all means, enlighten me. I need to do some more shameless self promotion.. is that my own set of plaid pants???

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As I understand, and from the looks of the result, when you link to another post using a pingback, it enters a pingback comment in the linked post’s comment section. Your pingback comment includes a link to your post. The blogger whose post you linked to gets notified that you linked to them (so they can express their appreciation on your post that linked to them) and your post gets traffic from the pingback comment in the linked blogger’s comment section. Use a pingback link to the posts of bloggers who get lots of traffic and you should see an increase in your traffic, at the very least to your post that “pinged” to their post. There, confused? Me too.

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