The Benefits of a Smaller Publishing House

Pencil, Sharpener, Notebook, PaperPlease read the highlights of my most recent phone conversations with my publisher here in my Writer’s Journal.

There’s no way I’d be getting so much attention from a larger publishing house.  We brainstorm, he challenges me, and I’m leaning a lot from him.

While I still dream about one day signing with a larger company, having an agent, a publicist, and all the other trappings of a famous author, I can honestly say that I don’t know if I know enough about the industry yet.  I’m enjoying learning all of the aspects of what it takes to create a book, promote it and get it into the hands of the public.

Hopefully, you’re learning something right along with me, too!  : )

If We Judged Politicians by Their Parenting Skills…

White House, Mansion, President, Home

If the President of the United States is the one in charge of our country, wouldn’t it make sense to see how good of a job they did being in charge of another human being?

What if we paid less attention to all of the back biting at the debate podiums and started paying attention to how their kids turned out?

I’d love to see the KIDS of the candidates be interviewed…  What are they doing now?  Who would refuse to speak?  Do they show signs of coaching?  How do they react to a curve-ball question?

So if this reaches anybody in the media, I pose this challenge: ask the candidates’ kids what their childhood was like and how they think this would translate into what kind of nation we would have if their dad (or mom!) were to become president.

Too Good to Wait to Share…

Child, Father, The Son Of, Family, BoyI’m not a fan of reblogging, but I DO want to pass this post along.  It warms my heart to have a DAD writing about parenting- and specifically such a sensitive topic.

Thanks, dude!

Next week, I’ll be writing about the highlights of the stress workshop for parents I attended this past week.

-Kisses! XxXx

If Your Kid Went Viral…

I found this Youtube video on my Facebook this morning.

Super cute, right????

But there’s a lesson embedded in there.  That animated little girl just didn’t wake up one morning with those expressions; she’s mimicking something.  Apparently, someone at home is on the phone.  A lot.children-593313_1920

What do your children see or hear you do?  How would you be represented if your kids started imitating you?  Are your actions worthy of repetition?

Be kind.  Check your anger and your language.  Everything you say and do can and will be repeated by your children.

What would people think of you if a video of your kid went viral?

Make it your #153Promise for the day to continue to be a positive role model.

Kisses! XxXx

And “E” is for…


At first, one may think it’s the same as Validate, but not so.

  • To Validate, one must ask, “How do they feel?”
  • To Empathize, one must ask, “How would feel?”
  • To Validate, one must wonder, “What are their emotions?”
  • To Empathize, one must wonder, “Why are they having those emotions?”
  • To Validate, you let them know that you understand their perspective, even if you don’t agree.
  • To Empathize, you have to force yourself to know why they must be feeling that way.

Forest Path, Girl, Forest, Nature, PathI like to think of it this way… Do you know that famous saying adopted from the Native American culture, “Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes”?  Well, I am a very literal person, so that means that I STOLE their shoes!  (Also meaning it’s impossible to know 100% what ANOTHER person must feel.) Instead, I like to think of it as:

“Walk down the PATH they’ve walked; then see how YOU feel.”

The moment I start doing that with my students, I develop a much better relationship with them.  A kid doesn’t have their homework because they got home late from a swim meet and they were tired?  I get it….  I now have a ten year old and I am now walking the walk.  Sometimes, it just doesn’t get done.

It’s easier to do that to someone else’s kid because there’s the distance factor…  But it’s really easy so say to our own family members, “I AM walking that path.

But are you???

Arapaho, Moccasins, Shoes, Bata, ShoeWhen was the last time you were smaller than everybody else?  When was the last time you had almost ZERO control over your circumstances?  When was the last time someone ELSE paid your rent/mortgage and held it against you?  Or chose what you had to eat?  Or wear?

Hmmmm…. kind of sounds like prison, right?

My point is not to start indulging our kids all the time; but maybe we should stop some times and try to feel their angst.  Their pain.  Their fear and frustration.  Maybe then, we’ll be less likely to judge their actions if we understand what motivates them.

THEN, we can Validate them and work to find some common ground.

Make the #153Promise to Walk their Path.

-Kisses!  XxXx

“V” is for Validate

In order to begin to write this post, I “Googled” the word:ValidateIf Google gives an example using healthy families, I must be onto something.

Approval, Female, Gesture, Hand, Happy, Isolated

I started to use validation as key to getting along with my very opinionated three year old son, and it’s made him so much happier.  Me, too!  Here’s just one example: vending machines at the YMCA.  Kids like to slide quarters into those machines like my 91 year old aunt in Atlantic City.  Almost every time I take him to the gym, I’ll get a, “I want-” with his current obsession- pretzels, animal crackers, chocolate wafers…

Instead of me saying, “No,” which logically would set him up to reply, “But, I WANT it,” I say, “Wow!  They do look really tasty.  I can see why you like them.  I’d like some, too.  Right now, I don’t have any quarters.  But we do have them at home.  How about I give you a snack of pretzels after we leave here… in about five minutes.  Can you be a good boy and be patient to wait until then?”  He always agrees to be a good boy.  I make good on my promise.  He now trusts me to validate his feelings… and they have never escalated since validating him.

It’s really an amazing shift to observe.

It’s tied in very closely to the “L” of Love, “Listen.”

Kids — and people in general — just want to know that they are being heard and valued.  That’s it.  It’s why wives resent it when their husbands try to fix their problems, when all they wanted was a sympathetic ear.  It’s why tweens resort to whining.  It’s why customer service stinks half the time.  We just want to be validated that we have a right to our feelings.

Make the #153Promise to validate your children’s feelings.  Let them know that even if you’re not willing to buy that outfit at the mall, you understand why they want it.  And then work together to find an acceptable alternative to both sides, rather than just saying, “No… because I SAY so!”  The last thing you want to do is shut them down.  They’ll only resort to either being sneaky or going to someone else instead who “Gets” them.

Try it this weekend.  Make the #153Promise to validate each one of your children at least once when you catch yourself wanting to say “No” and watch what happens.

Then validate ME by coming back and posting a comment about how it went!

-Kisses! XxXx



Hey, Bill Murray: Todoay’s My Favorite Holiday! The Underdogs of Groundhog Day

Groundhog, Wildlife, Nature, Rodent, Fur, Ground, GrassYes- it’s Groundhog Day!

Maybe it’s because I grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country, but February second was a BIG deal in my elementary school.  I remember cutting out brown and green circles and assembling a construction paper masterpiece whereby Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his sleepy little hole to announce if we have to deal with six more weeks of winter.  I even recorded a children’s album when I was a, well, child that explains it:

On February second, Mr. Groundhog will come out.

He’s been asleep all winter, now he wants to look about.

If he doesn’t see his shadow, he will stay outdoors, it’s clear.

‘Cause on February second, Mr. Groundhog will appear.

The mind’s an amazing thing.

There’s another reason I love Groundhog day: it’s the most underrated holiday… ever.  Think about it: this little furry guy gets to decide if we’re in for six more weeks of crap weather — sleet, freezing rain, howling winds and snow; not to mention huge heating bills — or balmy, flower laced gentle breezes.

It’s a holiday rooted deep in German culture, based on both Pagan beliefs and scientific calculation that we are half way through winter, staring with the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

But I love it simply because even though it’s a deeply symbolic day that’s been reduced to a radio DJ’s content for one morning out of 365 days, it still remains, undefeated.

Growing up, *I* was an underdog.  I was underestimated.  I was made a spectacle by my peers.  I was not given the respect I deserve.  But I’m still here, undefeated.

Cheerleaders, Football, College, NflSo I’m here to shout out loud and proud that I LOVE YOU, PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL!  YOU ARE MY HERO!

Make it your #153Promise today to stand up for the Groundhogs in your world.  Let those Invisibles know that you value them.  Give them the pride and dignity they deserve.  Help an old lady across the street.  Tie a little tyke’s shoelace.  Buy a homeless person a cup of cocoa.  Or stop what you’re doing for a moment when your child has been calling your name for the umpteenth time and listen to them.  Better yet, YOU take the initiative to coax them out of their hole and ask them how they’re doing and to tell them about their day… and listen to them.

Even if there are six more weeks of winter, your heroic efforts may just keep you heart warm and toasty until Spring.

Crocus, Flower, Spring, Bühen, Purple

Eight Is… Tacky!

Thanks to my newest blogging buddy, Rudy, I decided to try my hand at the whole “Pingback” business.

I was particularly interested in the topic of The Eighth Sin

Gargoyle, Grumpy, Statue, Lawn Ornament

The seven (as they pop into my head) are:

Envy, Pride, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth and Lust

I’m trying to think of another reeeeeally bad thing, and they seem to be just a sub-category of one of the above.  Apathy?  That would be Sloth.  Narcissism?  Yeah… that’s Pride.  Impatience?  I think that’s a form of Wrath…  See what I mean?

So I suppose the better approach is humor rather than deep philosophical thought.  Therefore, my submission for the Eighth Deadly Sin is… (drumroll, please)…


Cheese Curls, Junk Food, Cheese, CurlsYou see Tack, in its varying forms, permeates our culture:

  • Lawn ornaments
  • Fanny packs
  • Cat sweatshirts
  • Any food that’s orange or blue
  • Tube socks
  • Babies dressing like adults
  • Beer cozies
  • Underwear as outerwear
  • Any “As Seen On TV” product

I think Tack is horrible because it’s several other sins rolled into one.  It’s Gluttonous for its over-the-top bombardment of the senses.  It’s Sloth because the person responsible for it was just too lazy to give a darn about aesthetics.  And it’s Wrath because it incites a lot of agida in those who are Prideful to think they are above the Tack.

To relate this to making the #153Promise to your family, how about scanning your home for any of the EIGHT Deadly Sins and eliminate ate least one item from each category.

None of us is perfect; which one of the Eight do you think your family needs to work on the most?




Thanks, Grammy

Heart, Love, Discussion, Difference, RelationshipMy relationship with my mother is strained.  Suffice it to say we navigate life with very different operating systems that clash every time they interface.

My grandparents and I, (her parents), have never clashed.

“You don’t know them like I do,” she says.  A lot.

True- I don’t.  The dynamics of Grammy and Grandpop and me are different; they didn’t raise me.  They are people I visited every Sunday after church.  Then, once I got older, I would choose to see them independent of my parents.

I could write a whole book about this narrative, but the reason I even mention them is that at 89, it looks like my grandmother will not be around much longer.  Around October, doctors found something on a chest X-ray they didn’t like, but she refused diagnostic tests.  They told me that their best guess was that she had about six months to live.  She was put on hospice and this week, she started falling and she’s been bed-ridden and on morphine.

I took off a day from school on Thursday to essentially say goodbye and give my input on funeral arrangements.  (I said I’d like to put together a PowerPoint to loop during the viewing and I’ll compose a poem to be put in the funeral program.)

Because I have peace with Grammy, I’m able to deal with this dying ordeal pretty well, I think.  But my mother?  It’s taking everything in me to stay patient and kind as she manages to grapple with the reality that the woman she’s been complaining about all these years is leaving.

I’ve come to realize that validating someone’s opinion is essential to any relationship.  That doesn’t mean you have to agree with them; you only need to let them know that you understand their feelings.  Understand (v)- to perceive the intended meaning.  So when I understand that my mother thinks a certain way — and I allow her to have that opinion — then I have attempted to validate her feelings.  I try to be very clear that I while I understand how she feels about Grammy and Grandpop, that is not my truth… and I’d really appreciate if she’d allow me to have mine.

I’ve been suggesting to my mother that she make her own peace with her parents now so she can have peace once they are gone.  I know she’s done a lot for them out of duty, obligation and guilt so she can have a “free conscience” regarding their care.  That may be nice so she has no regrets regarding what SHE has done or failed to do.  However that doesn’t mean she has resolved the issues she has with what she thinks they have done to her.

I’ve told her that I just want her to be happy.  “Well, maybe I think I don’t deserve to be happy,” is her response.

Street Sign, Note, Direction, Point Of View, Sensation

There it is.  I can’t compete with that mentality.  So I take a step back and concern myself with my own happiness and fostering happiness in my own children.

Granted, you can’t “make” someone happy- but you can treat them in a way so they learn that you think they are deserving of happiness.  And you can model positive behaviors that foster self-care results in your own happiness.

Grandparent are synonymous with giving, and the most recent gift my grandmother gave me from her deathbed was the lesson in validation and gracefully understanding opinions that are different from my own.*

Bald Eagle, Soaring, Bird, Raptor, Flight, Nature, BaldIn the spirit of my grandmother living a full life, I’m going to pass along that lesson in this post, so it my live on after I get the word that Grammy is gone from this Earth.

Make it your 153Promise today to: model the ability to make yourself happy; validate others by showing them you understand their opinion, even if yours is different…  It avoids conflict and can sustain peace…  Make the 153Promise by telling people close to you that you want their happiness, too, and foster an atmosphere where they feel free to pursue their happiness.



*(The irony is that my father — her son-in-law — and my grandparents would clash all the time… What’s in common?  My mother… again- another book!)



Social Media is “S & M”

woman-929838_1920Twitter; Instagram; Snapchat; Facebook…  these are the new ways to forge relationships, “Like” it, or not.

I find people’s behaviors on social media very interesting.  It’s like of like being drunk: it’s an altered state.  People post things to their “Friends” and make comments they would NEVER do in “real” life.  It begs the question- do people’s real hidden sides come out on the internet, or is there something essentially nefarious about screen interactions?

I’ve seen people who are normally very decorous give raunchy memes the “thumbs up.”  Closeted bigots post anti-fill-in-the-blank comments.  People go on rants about other people and things get shared, amplified and eventually feelings get hurt and real-life friends or relatives get blocked or “un-friended.”

It’s no coincidence to me that social media has “S” and “M” as its initials.  There’s a certain sadistic pleasure some people get from updating a status that will irk others.  And I can’t tell you how many times I read or hear about people’s feelings getting hurt because they were excluded from whatever online group membership they belong… yet they continue to engage in the drama, as if they get some sort or masochistic rush.

In that sense, I don’t see adults being any more mature than their teenage counterparts.

Kids learn what they see.  What kinds of real messages about relationships are you sending by the ones you post online?

Make it the #153Promise to model Sensitivity and Moderation with your social media.