Hey, Bill Murray: Todoay’s My Favorite Holiday! The Underdogs of Groundhog Day

Groundhog, Wildlife, Nature, Rodent, Fur, Ground, GrassYes- it’s Groundhog Day!

Maybe it’s because I grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country, but February second was a BIG deal in my elementary school.  I remember cutting out brown and green circles and assembling a construction paper masterpiece whereby Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his sleepy little hole to announce if we have to deal with six more weeks of winter.  I even recorded a children’s album when I was a, well, child that explains it:

On February second, Mr. Groundhog will come out.

He’s been asleep all winter, now he wants to look about.

If he doesn’t see his shadow, he will stay outdoors, it’s clear.

‘Cause on February second, Mr. Groundhog will appear.

The mind’s an amazing thing.

There’s another reason I love Groundhog day: it’s the most underrated holiday… ever.  Think about it: this little furry guy gets to decide if we’re in for six more weeks of crap weather — sleet, freezing rain, howling winds and snow; not to mention huge heating bills — or balmy, flower laced gentle breezes.

It’s a holiday rooted deep in German culture, based on both Pagan beliefs and scientific calculation that we are half way through winter, staring with the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

But I love it simply because even though it’s a deeply symbolic day that’s been reduced to a radio DJ’s content for one morning out of 365 days, it still remains, undefeated.

Growing up, *I* was an underdog.  I was underestimated.  I was made a spectacle by my peers.  I was not given the respect I deserve.  But I’m still here, undefeated.

Cheerleaders, Football, College, NflSo I’m here to shout out loud and proud that I LOVE YOU, PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL!  YOU ARE MY HERO!

Make it your #153Promise today to stand up for the Groundhogs in your world.  Let those Invisibles know that you value them.  Give them the pride and dignity they deserve.  Help an old lady across the street.  Tie a little tyke’s shoelace.  Buy a homeless person a cup of cocoa.  Or stop what you’re doing for a moment when your child has been calling your name for the umpteenth time and listen to them.  Better yet, YOU take the initiative to coax them out of their hole and ask them how they’re doing and to tell them about their day… and listen to them.

Even if there are six more weeks of winter, your heroic efforts may just keep you heart warm and toasty until Spring.

Crocus, Flower, Spring, Bühen, Purple

Thank you for sharing! <3